Sexual Relationship Power Scale (SRPS)

The Sexual Relationship Power Scale (SPRS) is a 23 item measure of relationship power dynamics with two subscales: Relationship Control and Decision-Making Dominance. Items on the Relationship Control subscale are scored on a 4-point Likert scale (1= strongly agree and 4 = strongly disagree). Items on the Decision- Making Dominance Factor subscale are scored as (1=your partner, 2= both of you equally, 3= you), (Pulerwitz et al., 2000).

Measure Source Article:

Pulerwitz, J., Gortmaker, L., DeJong, W. (2000). Measuring sexual relationship power in HIV/STD research. Sex Roles, 42(7/8), 637-660.

Translation Information:

The SRPS was translated to Spanish by the measure developer using translation, back translation.  The items were also edited by Spanish speakers during focus group discussions. Finally, Spanish-language items were reviewed by a panel of professional colleagues from Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, and Spain to ensure that a diverse population of Spanish speakers would comprehend the questionnaire (Pulerwitz et al., 2000).


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