Parenting Practices Scale

The Parenting Practices scale was designed to measure four parenting practices: (a) positive parenting, (b) discipline effectiveness, (c) avoidance of discipline, and (d) extent of parental involvement in the child's life.

Measure Source Article:

Gorman-Smith, D., Tolan, P.H., Zelli, A., Huesman, L.R. (1996). The relation of family functioning to violence among inner-city minority youths. Journal of Family Psychology, 10(2), 115-129.


Related Article(s):

  1. Tolan, P.H., Gorman-Smith, D., Huesmann, L.R., Zelli, A. (1997). Assessment of family relationship characteristics: A measure to explain risk for antisocial behavior and depression among urban youth. Psychological Assessment, 9(3), 212-223.



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