Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2)

The Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (Straus et al., 1996) is a 39 item measure of both the extent to which partners in a dating, cohabiting, or marital relationship engage in psychological and physical attacks on each other and also their use of reasoning or negotiation to deal with conflicts. The questions are designed to be asked about both the participant and the partner which results in two questions for each item for a total of 78 questions. The measure is composed of 5 scales each of which has subscales. The 5 scales are: Negotiation, Psychological Aggression, Physical Assault, Sexual Coercion, and Injury.

There is also a short form of the CTS2, the CTS2S which is a 20- item scale (Straus & Douglas, 2004) to be used when testing time is very limited.

Western Psychological Services (WPS) is the publisher of the Conflict Tactics Scales. Permission from WPS is required to use/purchase any of the Conflict Tactics Scales.

Measure Source Article:

Straus, M., Hamby, S., Boney-McCoy, S., Sugarman, D. (1996). The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2): Development and preliminary psychometric data. Journal of Family Issues, 17(3), 283-316.


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Translation Information:

Several Spanish translations are available at the URL referenced above.


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